GNM or General Nursing and Midwifery is a 3 years and 6 months diploma in nursing course which offers great job opportunities to the students opting for it.
This duration of study includes studying of Anatomy & Physiology & Microbiology Fundamental of Nursing, Midwifery & Gynecology, Community Health Nursing, Medical & Surgical Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Psychology & Sociology as well.
To be precise the philosophy of nursing aims at preparing versatile professional nurses who can provide promotive, preventive , palliative as well as rehabilitative care and we at Miracle Nursing college Mandsaur, strive hard to achieve this goal.
To help us achieve expertise in training we have an enthusiastic team of professionally trained and experienced faculties who with the help of available amenities including latest equipment in the laboratories and a large collection of books and journals in the library train and guide the students.


The mission of the College of Education is to help prepare outstanding educators, scholars, and researchers, and to advance the profession of education, as broadly defined, through research on the science and art of teaching and learning, the application of clinical processes, the effective uses of technology, and the analysis and development of leadership and educational policy

  • 3 Years and 6 Months Diploma Courses

    > G.N.M.

  • VALUES :-
  • Academic excellence and integrity
  • Outstanding teaching and service
  • Scholarly research and professional leadership
  • Integration of teaching, research, and service
  • Individual and collective excellence
  • Diversity, equity, and social justice
  • Education of individuals across the life span
  • Collegiality and collaboration
  • ViSION :-
  • A literate and educated citizenry is vital to a democratic society.
  • All people are entitled to a high-quality education, grounded in sensitivity to individual dignity, professional integrity, and a positive and nurturing environment.
  • A dynamic education system fosters an equitable, productive economy in a global environment.
  • Teaching and learning should be informed by scholarly research and effective practice.
  • School improvement should be based on sound research, the application of theory as it relates to effective practice, policy development, and collaboration with practitioners.
  • Technology should be used to improve the quality of teaching and learning, research and scholarship, and outreach to the state, nation, and the world.
  • Interdisciplinary programs should be used to enhance human learning, growth, and development across the life span.

Contact US

Miracle Nursing College,
Bypass Road, Nayakheda,
Madhya Pradesh - 458001
Phone: 07422-256524
Mobile: +91-8989557524,+91-6260421896